Titillium Web Font Free Download

This is a post, where we are trying to introduce you to a wonderful style of typeface, that is called Titillium Web Font. This is an advanced and beautiful style font, that is a member group of the sans serif family texture. This typeface had designed in the  Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino. Where a dozen students work on this font each academic year.

Since the birth of this font, three years are pass away but still, the students are working on this project and will update it in the future further. The profs of this academy are very helpful while creating this font. This typeface has eleven styles of weights, that is light to black. The antipasto pro font is a similar font to this texture.

This is one of the Google fonts, and That supports a free online tool, that is known as a generator tool. This is a special tool, which is used to convert your letterform into Titillium Web font. This is a free tool, that does not require a zip file of this font to download. Only copy and paste will do your job.

Usage of Titillium Web Font

You can use the Titillium Web font for any print and web projects. This is a smooth and simple style of font, that is perfect for books to write, heading, articles, titles, stories, and novels. This is an eye-catching font, because of its simple and elegant look. Which makes it more popular in a short time.

You can use this soft and amazing texture for any of your personal or commercial clear writing. It is a wonderful texture for newspapers and magazine ads. This typeface is amazing for documentation of office and other related works.

Titillium Web Font Family View

Titillium Web Font

Font Information

NameTitillium Web Font
StyleSans Serif
DesignerAccademia di Belle Arti di Urbino
File FormatOTF, TTF
LicenseFree for personal and Commercial
TypeOpentype, Truetype

License Information

This is a Google typeface, that allows you to use this texture in any of your projects including an online platform. Because there is no restriction on using this font.

Titillium Web Font Family (Includes 1 Typeface)

  • Titillium Web ExtraLight 200
  • Titillium Web ExtraLight 200 Italic
  • Titillium Web Light 300
  • Titillium Web Light 300 Italic
  • Titillium Web Regular 400
  • Titillium Web Regular 400 Italic
  • Titillium Web SemiBold 600
  • Titillium Web SemiBold 600 Italic
  • Titillium Web Bold 700
  • Titillium Web Bold 700 Italic
  • Titillium Web Black 900

Similar Fonts to Titillium Web Font (Related Fonts)

  • Paloseco Medium font
  • Gothic A1 font
  • Red Hat Text Medium font
  • CrusoeText-Bold font
  • Arial font

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What type of typeface is Titillium Web?

Titillium Web Font is an advanced and beautiful style font, that is a member group of the sans serif family texture.

Is Titillium Web a free font?

Yes, this font is a free typeface for all the users, because this is available in open source license. You may use this texture for personal users, as well as for commercial uses.

What texture goes with Titillium Web?

There are so many textures that get a match this unique typeface, but the most similar and pairing texture to this is the madras font.

Is Titillium Web a safe typeface?

Yes, this is an online style of web safe typeface. because this is a Google font that are available for free to use anywhere you want.

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